53th Probability Summer School
Saint-Flour (France), June 30th - July 12th 2025
Founded in 1971, this school is organised every year by the Laboratoire de Mathématiques Blaise Pascal (UMR 6620). It is supported by Clermont Auvergne University and C.N.R.S.. It is intended for PhD students, teachers and researchers who are interested in probability theory, statistics, and in applications of these techniques.
The school has three main goals:
- to provide, in high level courses, a comprehensive study of a field in probability theory or statistics;
- to enable the participants to explain their work in lectures;
- to facilitate exchanges between the participants.
The lecturers are chosen by the Scientific Board of the school.
Lectures are published by Springer in the Lecture Notes series and videorecorded on YouTube.
Lectures 2025
Justin SALEZ (Université Paris Dauphine CEREMADE), Modern aspects of Markov chains: entropy, curvature, and the cutoff phenomenon.
Peter BARTLETT (University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley AI Research Lab), Deep learning: a statistical perspective.
Massimiliano GUBINELLI (University of Oxford, Mathematical Institute), A stochastic analysis perspective on Euclidean fields.
Practical information
The school takes place at the Hôtel-Restaurant Ancien Grand Séminaire.
The Hôtel-Restaurant Ancien Grand Séminaire (an ancient Roman Catholic Seminary) dates from the 18th century. It has a shaded yard and a car park.
Please read the information about the school.
Application form
Deadline for application: April 1st 2025. (Warning : For organizational purposes, the deadline may be brought forward if the number of eligible applications significantly exceeds capacity). This is a compulsary pre inscription, if your application is accepted, you will receive an email from the organizers to confirm your registration and proceed with payment.
The number of single roms is limited. Please do not forget to enter your diet, as it cannot be modified afterwards.
For your information, you can offer to give an oral presentation (25 min presentation and 5 min questions).
Previous schools
The first Saint-Flour summer schools, by P.L. Hennequin (in French)
École d'été de Probabilités de Saint-FlourLMBP
Université Clermont Auvergne CNRS
Campus Universitaire des Cézeaux
3, place Mail Vasarely
TSA 60026
CS 60026
63 178 Aubière Cedex
Organizing Committee: Boris Nectoux, Arnaud Guillin, Hacene Djellout
e-mail :