
Séminaire des doctorants

Les présentations ont lieu le 1er mercredi de chaque mois à 16h en salle 2222 du bâtiment de mathématiques (consulter le plan d'accès au laboratoire), et sont suivies par un petit pot. Ces séances sont ouvertes aux doctorants et post-doctorants d'autres disciplines.
Agenda global au format ical

Septembre 2024

  • Mercredi 18 septembre 2024 - Tristan GUYON

    (soutenance blanche) Non-reversible Markov-chain Monte Carlo algorithms: beyond translational flows and applications to the simulation of dimer systems

    Event-chain Monte Carlo is a class of non-reversible Markov-chain Monte Carlo algorithms, breaking free from the time-reversal symmetry at the heart of the all-purpose, reversible Metropolis-Hastings framework. In particle systems, Event-chain schemes amount to moving one particle at a time along a certain deterministic flow, until an event given by an inhomogeneous Poisson process, where the moving particle is changed. These methods can be characterized as generating Piecewise-deterministic Markov Processes, and while the deterministic flow is a degree of freedom of the algorithm, few instances of non-translational, non-reversible samples are available in the literature. This manuscript presents two contributions. The main contribution is a detailed study of the necessary and sufficient conditions appearing in Event-chain Monte Carlo. A class of uniform-ideal flows is explored, to guide the design of non-reversible sampling algorithms in practice. Explicit rotational flows are constructed following this method for sphere and dimer systems, and studied at the numerical level for hard spheres and hard dimers. The second contribution is still ongoing work, and deals with the parallelization of Event-chain Monte Carlo. A framework for domain decomposition in Piecewise-deterministic Markov Processes is sketched, and a dimer parallelization scheme is presented.

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  • Mercredi 04 septembre 2024 - Léo Hahn Lecler

    (soutenance blanche) Interacting Run-and-Tumble Particles as Piecewise Deterministic Markov Processes : Invariant Distribution and Convergence

    This thesis investigates the long-time behavior of run-and-tumble particles (RTPs), a model
    for bacteria’s moves and interactions in out-of-equilibrium statistical mechanics, using piece-
    wise deterministic Markov processes (PDMPs). The motivation is to improve the particle-
    level understanding of active phenomena, in particular motility induced phase separation
    (MIPS). The invariant measure for two jamming RTPs on a 1D torus is determined for
    general tumbling and jamming, revealing two out-of-equilibrium universality classes. Fur-
    thermore, the dependence of the mixing time on model parameters is established using
    coupling techniques and the continuous PDMP model is rigorously linked to a known on-
    lattice model. In the case of two jamming RTPs on the real line interacting through an
    attractive potential, the invariant measure displays qualitative differences based on model
    parameters, reminiscent of shape transitions and universality classes. Sharp quantitative
    convergence bounds are again obtained through coupling techniques. Additionally, the ex-
    plicit invariant measure of three jamming RTPs on the 1D torus is computed. Finally,
    hypocoercive convergence results are extended to RTPs, achieving sharp L 2 convergence
    rates in a general setting that also covers kinetic Langevin and sampling PDMPs.

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