Julien Bichon - Travaux de recherche
55. Bialgebra cohomology and exact sequences, Comptes Rendus - Mathématique 362 (2024), 1475-1483. Link.
54. Twisted separability for adjoint functors, Theory and Applications of Categories 41 (2024), 150-167. Link.
53. On the monoidal invariance of the cohomological dimension of Hopf algebras, Comptes Rendus - Mathématique 360 (2022), 561-582. Link
52. (With Maeva Paradis) Some isomorphism results for graded twistings of function algebras on finite groups, Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse - Mathématiques 31 (2022), no. 2, 501-544. Link
51. (With Agustín García Iglesias) Hopf-Galois structures on ambiskew polynomial rings, Journal of Noncommutative Geometry 15 (2021), no. 4, 1409-1431.
Cohomological dimensions of universal cosovereign Hopf algebras, Publicacions Matemàtiques 62 (2018), no. 2, 301-330. Link
49. (With David Kyed and Sven Raum)
Higher L2-Betti numbers for universal quantum groups,
Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 61 (2018), no. 2, 235-245.
48. (With Sergey Neshveyev and Makoto Yamashita)
Graded twisting of comodule algebras and module categories, Journal of Noncommutative Geometry 12 (2018), no. 1, 331-368.
47. (With Uwe Franz and Malte Gerhold) Homological properties of quantum permutation algebras , New York Journal of Mathematics 23 (2017), 1671-1695. Link
46. (With Teodor Banica) Complex analogues of the half-classical geometry, Münster Journal of Mathematics 10(2017), 457-483.
45. (With Teodor Banica) Matrix models for noncommutative algebraic manifolds, Journal of the London Mathematical
Society 95 (2017, 519-540.
44. (With Sergey Neshveyev and Makoto Yamashita)
Graded twisting of categories and quantum groups by group actions, Annales de l'Institut Fourier 66 (2016), 2299-2338. Link.
43. Half-liberated real spheres and their subspaces, Colloquium Mathematicum 144 (2016), 273-287.
42. Gerstenhaber-Schack and Hochschild cohomologies of Hopf algebras, Documenta Mathematica 21 (2016), 955-986. Link
41. The group of bi-Galois objects over the coordinate algebra of the Frobenius-Lusztig kernel of SL(2), Glasgow Mathematical Journal 58, 727-738, 2016.
Avec Simon Riche, Hopf algebras having a dense big cell, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 368, 515-538, 2016.
39. Quotients and Hopf images of a smash coproduct, Tsukuba Journal of Mathematics 39(2), 285-310, 2015.
Avec Teodor Banica, Random walk questions for linear quantum groups, International Mathematics Research Notices 2015(24), 13406-13436, 2015.
Avec Robert Yuncken,
Quantum subgroups of the compact quantum group SU-1(3), Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 46, 315-328, 2014.
Hopf-Galois objects and cogroupoids, Revista de la Unión Matemática
Argentina 55(2), 11-69, 2014.
Avec Michel Dubois-Violette,
The quantum group of a preregular multilinear form, Letters in Mathematical Physics 113, 455-468, 2013.
Hochschild homology of Hopf algebras and free Yetter-Drinfeld resolutions of the counit, Compositio Mathematica 149, 658-678, 2013.
33. Avec Michel Dubois-Violette,
Half-commutative orthogonal Hopf algebras, Pacific Journal of Mathematics 263-1, 13-28, 2013.
32. Avec Teodor Banica,
Benoît Collins
et Stephen Curran,
A maximality result for orthogonal quantum groups, Communications in Algebra 41, 656-665, 2013.
31. Avec Teodor Banica et
Sonia Natale,
Finite quantum groups and quantum permutation groups,
Advances in Mathematics 229, 3320-3338, 2012.
30. Avec Teodor Banica
et Stephen Curran,
Quantum automorphisms of twisted group algebras and free hypergeometric laws, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 139, 3961-3971, 2011.
Avec Sonia Natale, Hopf algebra deformations of binary polyhedral groups, Transformation Groups 16, 339-374, 2011.
28. Avec Nicolás Andruskiewitsch, Examples of inner linear Hopf algebras, Revista de la Unión Matemática
Argentina 51, 7-18, 2010.
27. Avec Teodor Banica,
Hopf images and inner faithful representations, Glasgow Mathematical Journal 52, 677-703, 2010.
Avec Christian Kassel, The lazy homology of a Hopf algebra, Journal of Algebra 323,
2556-2590, 2010.
Avec Teodor Banica et
Jean-Marc Schlenker , Representations of quantum permutation algebras, Journal of Functional Analysis 257, 2864-2910, 2009.
Avec Teodor Banica,
Quantum groups acting on 4 points,
Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik (Crelle's Journal) 626, 75-114, 2009.
23. Algebraic quantum permutation groups, Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 1, 1-13, 2008.
22. Avec Teodor Banica et
Benoît Collins,
The hyperoctahedral quantum group,
Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society 22, 345-384, 2007.
Avec Teodor Banica et
Benoît Collins,
Quantum permutation groups: a survey, Banach
Center Publications 78, 13-34, 2007.
20. Avec Teodor Banica et
Gaëtan Chenevier,
Graphs having no quantum symmetry, Annales de l'Institut
Fourier 57, 955-971, 2007.
19. Avec Teodor Banica,
Quantum automorphism groups of vertex-transitive graphs
of order ≤ 11, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 26, 83-105, 2007.
18. Avec Teodor Banica,
Free Product Formulae for Quantum Permutation Groups, Journal de l'Institut de Mathématiques
de Jussieu 6, 381-414, 2007.
17. Corepresentation Theory of Universal
Cosovereign Hopf Algebras, Journal of the London Mathematical
Society 75, 83-98, 2007.
16. Avec An De Rijdt et
Stefaan Vaes, Ergodic coactions with large multiplicity and monoidal equivalence of quantum groups,
Communications in Mathematical Physics 262, 703-728, 2006.
15. Avec Giovanna Carnovale, Lazy cohomology: an analogue of the Schur multiplier for
arbitrary Hopf algebras, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 204(3), 627-665, 2006.
Galois and biGalois objects over monomial non-semisimple Hopf Algebras,
Journal of Algebra and its Applications 5(5), 653-680, 2006.
13. Free quantum analogues of the first fundamental
theorems of invariant theory, Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical
Society 47, 297-303, 2004.
12. Free wreath product by the quantum permutation group, Algebras and Representation Theory 7(4), 343-362, 2004.
11. N-complexes et algèbres de Hopf,
Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences 337, 441-444, 2003.
10. Hopf-Galois systems,
Journal of Algebra 264, 565-581, 2003.
9. The representation category of the quantum group
of a non-degenerate bilinear form,
Communications in Algebra 31 (10), 4831-4851, 2003.
8. Avec Ross Street, Militaru's $D$-equation in monoidal categories ,
Applied Categorical Structures 11 (4), 337-357, 2003.
7. Quantum automorphism groups of finite graphs, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 131(3), 665-673, 2003.
6. Cosemisimple Hopf algebras with antipode of
arbitrary finite order,
New-York Journal of Mathematics 8, 235-240, 2002.
5. Cosovereign Hopf algebras,
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 157(2-3), 121-133, 2001.
4. Quelques nouvelles déformations du groupe symétrique., Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences 330 (9), 761-764, 2000.
3. Galois reconstruction of finite quantum groups,
Journal of Algebra 230, 683-693, 2000.
2. Mesure de Haar sur une algèbre de Hopf et groupes quantiques réels, Communications in Algebra 26 (5), 1633-1649, 1998.
1. Trivialisations dans les catégories tannakiennes,
Cahiers de topologie et géométrie différentielle catégoriques 39 (4), 243-270, 1998.
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Dernière modification : 13/01/2022