
Mathematics : its content, methods and meaning. Volume 2 : Partial differential equations, curves and surfaces, calculus of variations - Second edition [monographie]
Titre d'origine: Matematika ee soderžanie, metody i značenie

Auteur(s): Aleksandrov, Aleksandr Danilovich (1912-1999) (Ed.)
Gould, S. H. (Trad)
Kolmogorov, Andrej Nikolaevič (1903-1987) (Ed.)
Lavrentiev, Mikhaïl Alekseïevitch (1900-1980) (Ed.)
Langue: anglais
Editeur, date d'édition: The M.I.T. Press, 1969
Ville(s) d'édition: Cambridge, Massachusetts (US)
Classification MSC: 00.04 (2000)
Notes: xii ; fig. ; notes bibliogr. ; index pp. 375-394 ; 23 cm ; 401 p.
Thèmes: algebre, partial differential equations, equations differentielles, geometrie analytique, calculus of variations, calcul des variations

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