1 - Semi-classical analysis for the Schrödinger operator and applications |
2 - Analytic theory for the quadratic scattering wave front set and application to the Schrödinger equation |
3 - Ecole d'Été de probabilités de Saint-Flour XIV - 1984 |
4 - Extremum problems for eigenvalues of elliptic operators |
5 - Feynman-Kac formulas for the ultra-violet renormalized Nelson model |
6 - From brownian motion to Schrödinger's equation |
7 - Global solutions for small nonlinear long range pertubations of two dimensional Schrödinger equations |
8 - Hiérarchie de modèles en optique quantique. De Maxwell-Bloch à Schrödinger non-linéaire |
9 - KAM tori for perturbations of the defocusing NLS equation |
10 - Mécanique quantique |