
Logic, methodology and philosophy of science. III : proceedings of the Third International Congress for Logic methodology and philosophy of the congress was held at Amsterdam, from August 25 to Sept. 2, 1967 [monographie]

Auteur(s): Van Rootselaar, Bob (Ed.)
Stall, J. F. (Ed.)
Langue: anglais
Collection: Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics
Editeur, date d'édition: North-Holland Publishing Company, Inc., 1968
Ville(s) d'édition: Amsterdam (NL)
Congrés: Logic, methodology and philosophy of science , n° 3 (1967)
Amsterdam (NL)
ISSN: 0049-237X
Classification MSC: 02.00 (2000)
Notes: xiv ; notes bibliogr. ; author index pp. 554 ; 24 cm ; 554 p.
Thèmes: logique mathematique, philosophie des sciences, methodologie, congres, sciences, methodology, philosophy

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