
Foundations of global non-linear analysis [monographie]
An expanded version of notes for lectures delivered at the Mathematics Institutes of Bonn University and the University of Geneva during the summer of 1966

Auteur(s): Palais, Richard S.
Langue: anglais
Collection: Mathematics lecture note series, n° 16
Editeur, date d'édition: W. A. Benjamin, Inc., 1968
Ville(s) d'édition: New York (US), Amsterdam (NL)
Congrés: Foundations of global non-linear analysis (1966)
Bonn (DE)
ISBN: 0-8053-7711-5 ; 0-8053-7710-7
Classification MSC: 58-XX (2000)
Notes: vii ; 28 cm ; 131 p.
Thèmes: topologie differentielle, algebre lineaire, linear algebras, differential topology

67 PAL 68Disponible
67 PAL 68Disponible