
2731 - Approximation of functions : theory and numerical methods
Meinardus, Günther (1926-....)   /   Schumaker, Larry L. (1939-....) (Trad.)

Cote : [49 MEI 67]


2732 - Approximation of functions of several variables and imbedding theorems
Nikolski, Sergueiĭ Mikhailovitch (1905-....)   /   Danskin, John Moffatt (1923-....) (Trad.)

Cote : [49 NIK 75]


2734 - Approximation theory. I : proceedings of an international symposium conducted by the University of Texas and the National Science Foundation at Austin, Texas, January 22-24, 1973
Lorentz, George G. (1910-2006) (Ed.)   /   Berens, Hubert (Ed).   /   Cheney, Elliott Ward (1929-....) (Ed.)   /   Schumaker, Larry L. (1939-....) (Ed.)

Cote : [49 LOR 73-1]


2735 - Approximation theory. II : proceedings of an International Symposium conducted by the University of Texas, Austin, Texas, January 18-21, 1976
Lorentz, George G. (1910-2006) (Ed.)   /   Chui, C. K. (Ed.)   /   Schumaker, Larry L. (1939-....) (Ed.)

Cote : [49 LOR 76-2]


2736 - Approximations spectrales de problèmes aux limites elliptiques
Bernadi, Christine (1955-2018)   /   Maday, Yvon (1957-....)

Cote : [79 BER 92]


2738 - Arbeiten zur informationstheorie. I. Zweite berichtige Auflage
Chintschin, Aleksandr Âkovlevič (1894-1959)   /   Fáddéev, Dmitriĭ Konstantinovich (1907-1989)   /   Kolmogoroff, A. N.   /   Rényi, Alfréd (1921-1970)   /   Balatoni, J.

Cote : [94 CHI 61]


2739 - Arbeiten zur informationstheorie. II
Gelfand, Izrail Moiseevitch (1913-2009)   /   König, Dieter (Trad.)   /   Jaglom, A. M. (Trad.)   /   Richte, W. (Trad.)

Cote : [77.9 GEL 58-2]


2740 - Arbeiten zur Informationstheorie. III E-Entropie und E-Kapazität von Mengen in Funktionalräumem
Kolmogorov, Andrej Nikolaevič (1903-1987)    /   Franken, Peter (Trad.)   /   Tikhomirov, Vladimir M. (1934-.....)   /   Nawrotzki, Kurt

Cote : [77.9 KOL 60]