1 - Eleven papers on differential equations, functional analysis and measure theory Bahtin, I. A. / Fomin, Sergueï Vasilievitch (1917-1975) / Gohberg, Israel (1928-2009) / Grusin, V. V. / Keldys, M. V.Cote : [42 BAH 66]
2 - Sixteen papers on differential and difference equations, functional analysis, games and controlAzerman, Mark Aronovich (1913-....) / Bahtin, I. A. / Borok, V. M. / Braverman, E. M. / Bykov, Ja V. Cote : [42 AIZ 70]
3 - Thirteen papers on functional analysis Agranovič, Zalman Samojlovič / Bahtin, I. A. / Barkar, M. A. / Budjanu, M. S.Cote : [42 AGR 70]