
Topics in the theory of random noise. Volume I : General theory of random processes nonlinear transformations of signals and noise [monographie]

Auteur(s): Stratonovitch, Rouslan Leontevitch (1930-....)
Silverman, Richard Allan (1926-....) (Trad.)
Langue: anglais
Collection: Mathematics and its applications : A series of monographs and texts, n° 3
Editeur, date d'édition: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Inc., 1963
Ville(s) d'édition: New York (US), London (GB), Paris (FR)
ISSN: 0543-0941
Classification MSC: 60.90 (2000)
Notes: xi ; fig. ; bibliogr. pp. 287 ; index pp. 289-292 ; 23 cm ; 292 p.
Thèmes: theorie du bruit aleatoire, bruit radioelectrique, processus stochastiques, random noise theory, radio noise

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