
Theory of numbers [monographie]
Proceedings of the symposium in pure mathematics of the AMS held at the California Insitute of California November 21, 22, 1963

Auteur(s): Whiteman, Albert Leon (1905-1995) (Ed.)
Langue: anglais
Collection: Proceedings of symposia in pure mathematics, n° 8
Editeur, date d'édition: American Mathematical Society, 1965
Ville(s) d'édition: Providence, Rhode Island (US)
Congrés: Theory of numbers , n° 7 (1963)
Pasadena, CA (US)
ISSN: 0082-0717
Classification MSC: 10.06
Notes: vii ; notes bibliogr. ; index pp. 209-214 ; 26 cm ; 214 p.
Thèmes: convexite, ensemble convexe, surface convexe, theoreme helly, theoreme krein-milman, cone convexe, courbe convexe, probleme borsuk, graphe polyedral, endovecteur

Localisation: Ouvrage localisé fonds recherche - 2ème salle - Cote Ha 8/8 et Ha 1/3

60.1 WHI 65Disponible