
Proceedings of the international conference on bifurcation theory and its numerical analysis, 4 - 9, july, 1988, Xian, Chine [monographie]

Auteur(s): Kaitai, Li (Ed.)
Marsden, Jerrold Eldon (1942-2010) (Ed.)
Golubitsky, Martin (1945-....) (Ed)
Iooss, GĂ©rard (Ed)
Langue: anglais
Editeur, date d'édition: Xian Jiaotong University Press, 1989
Ville(s) d'édition: Xian (CN)
Congrés: Birfucation theory and its numerical analysis (1988)
Xian (CN)
ISBN: 7-5605-0257-1
Notes: Fig. ; notes bibliogr. ; 26 cm ; 484 p.
Thèmes: analyse numerique, congres, theorie de la bifurcation, numerical analysis

79 KAI 89Disponible