
The USSR Olympiad problem book. Selected problems and theorems of elementary mathematics [monographie]
Titre d'origine: Zbrannye zadachi i teoremy Ä—lementarno matematiki, ch. 1

Auteur(s): Shklarsky, D. O.
Maykovich, John (Trad.)
Yaglom, Akiva Moiseevich (1921-2007)
Chentzov, Nikolaj Nikolaevich
Sussman, Irving (Ed.)
Langue: anglais
Collection: Series of undergraduate books in mathematics
Editeur, date d'édition: W. H. Freeman and Company, 1962
Ville(s) d'édition: San Francisco (US)
Classification MSC: 00.00
Notes: xvi ; problèmes et exercices ; 22 cm ; 452 p.
Thèmes: exercices mathematiques, mathematics

02.3 SHK 62Disponible