
Combinatorial mathematics and its applications : proceedings of a conference held at the Mathematical Institute, Oxford, from 7-10 july, 1969 [monographie]

Auteur(s): Welsh, Dominic James Anthony (Ed.)
Langue: anglais
Editeur, date d'édition: Academic Press, 1971
Ville(s) d'édition: London (GB), New York (US)
Congrés: Combinatorial Mathematics and its Applications (1969)
Oxford (GB)
ISBN: 0-127-43350-3
Classification MSC: 05.00
Notes: x ; fig. ; tab. ; notes bibliogr. ; index pp. 357-364 ; 23 cm ; 364 p.
Thèmes: analyse combinatoire, congres, combinatorial analysis

08.7 WEL 69Disponible