
Problems of mathematical physics [monographie]
Titre d'origine: Sbornik zagač po matematičeskoj fizike

Auteur(s): Lebedev, Nikolaï Nikolaevitch
Uflyand, Yakov Solomonovic
Skal'Skaya, I. P.
Robson, A. R. M. (Trad.)
Reinfelds, J. (Ed.)
Langue: anglais
Collection: International series of monographs on pure and applied mathematics, n° 84
Editeur, date d'édition: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1966
Ville(s) d'édition: Engelwood Cliffs, New Jersey (US)
ISSN: 0278-3231
Notes: xi ; exercices ; bibliogr. pp. 415-422 ; index pp. 423-429 ; 23 cm (Revised, enlarged and corrected englih editoon translated and edited by Richar A. Silverman - With a supplement by Edward L. Reiss) ; 408 p.
Thèmes: physique mathematique, mathematical physics

02 LEB 66Disponible