
Fundamentals of the theory of operator algebras. Volume I : elementary theory [monographie]

Auteur(s): Kadison, Richard V. (1925-....)
Ringrose, John Robert (1932-....)
Langue: anglais
Collection: Graduate studies in mathematics, n° 15
Editeur, date d'édition: American Mathematical Society, 1997
Ville(s) d'édition: Providence, Rhode Island (US)
ISBN: 0-8218-0819-2
ISSN: 1065-7339
Classification MSC: 46-01
Notes: xv ; exercices ; bibliogr. pp. 384-385 ; index pp. 391-398 ; 25 cm (Second printing, incorporating minor corrections, of the work originallys published : New York : Academic Press, 1983 (Pure and applied mathematics (Academic Press) ; 100) ; 398 p.
Thèmes: espaces de hilbert, algebres operateurs, algebres de banach, hilbert space, c*-algebres, algebre de von neumann

42.4 KAD 97-1Disponible