
Symposia on theoretical physics. Volume 2 [monographie]
Lectures presented at the 1964 Second anniversary symposium of the Institute of mathematical sciences Madras, India

Auteur(s): Ramakrishnan, Alladi (Ed.)
Langue: anglais
Collection: Symposia on theoretical physics and mathematics, n° 2
Editeur, date d'édition: Plenum Press, 1966
Ville(s) d'édition: New York (US)
Congrés: Symposia on theoretical physics , n° 2 (1964)
Madras (IN)
ISSN: 0082-075X
Classification MSC: 81.00 (2000)
Notes: xiii ; fig. ; tab. ; notes bibliogr. ; index pp. 229-236 ; 23 cm ; 236 p.
Thèmes: physique theorique, congres, mathematical physics

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