
Geometric and algebraic topology [monographie]
Papers presented at the Topology Semester held at the Stefan Banach International Mathematical Center, June 1984

Auteur(s): Toruńczyk, Henryk (Ed.)
Jackowski Stefan (1951-) (Ed.)
Spież, StanisłAw
Langue: anglais
Collection: Banach center publications, n° 18
Editeur, date d'édition: PWN - Polish Scientific Publishers, 1986
Ville(s) d'édition: Warszawa (PL)
Congrés: Geometric and algebraic topology (1985)
Warszawa (PL)
ISBN: 83-01-07321-7
ISSN: 0137-6934
Classification MSC: 57-06 (2000)
Notes: Problems ; notes bibliogr. ; 24 cm ; 417 p.
Thèmes: topologie algebrique, topology, algebraic topology, congres

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