
Mathematical programming : proceedings of an advanced seminar conducted by the mathematics research center The University of Wisconsin, and the U.S. Army at Madison, Sept. 11-13, 1972 [monographie]

Auteur(s): Hu, Te Chiang (1930-....) (Ed.)
Robinson, Stephen M. (Ed.)
Langue: anglais
Collection: Publications of the mathematics research center
Editeur, date d'édition: Academic Press, 1973
Ville(s) d'édition: New York (US), London (GB)
Congrés: Mathematical programming (1972)
Madison (US)
ISBN: 0-12-358350-0
Classification MSC: 90CXX (2000)
Notes: x ; fig. ; notes bibliogr. ; index pp. 291-295 ; 23 cm ; 295 p.
Thèmes: programmation, congres, programming

75.5 HU 72Disponible