
Introduction to analysis : a new approach to the calculus with analytic geometry [monographie]
A modern introduction, including trigonometry and an early use of vectors

Auteur(s): Haaser, Norman B.
LaSalle, Joseph Pierre (1916-1983)
Sullivan, Joseph A.
Langue: anglais
Collection: A course in mathematical analysis, n° 1
Editeur, date d'édition: Ginn and Company, 1959
Ville(s) d'édition: Boston (US), New York (US), Chicago (US)
Classification MSC: 26.00 (2000)
Notes: xiv ; fig. ; exercices ; index pp. xxv-xxxi ; 23 cm ; 723 p.
Thèmes: topologie generale, analyse, topology

40 HAA 59Disponible