
Mathematics of contemporary physics : proceedings of an instructional conference organized by the London Mathematical Society (A NATO Advanced Study Institute) [monographie]

Auteur(s): Streater, Raymond F. (1936-....)
Langue: anglais
Editeur, date d'édition: Academic Press, 1972
Ville(s) d'édition: London (GB), New York (US)
Congrés: Mathematics of contemporary physics (1971)
Londres (GB)
ISBN: 0-12-673150-0
Classification MSC: 00A10 (2000)
Notes: xi ; bibliogr. pp. 253-265 ; index pp. 267-274 ; 23 cm ; 274 p.
Thèmes: mecanique statistique, theorie des operateurs, physique mathematique, theorie quantique des champs, congres, mathematical physics, boson quantum field models

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