
The index theorem and the heat equation [monographie]

Auteur(s): Gilkey, Peter Belden (1946-....)
Sacks, John (Collab.)
Collection: Matthematics lecture series, n° 4
Editeur, date d'édition: Publish or Perish, Inc., 1974
Ville(s) d'édition: Boston (US)
ISBN: 0-914098-13-6
Classification MSC: 58G10 (2000)
Notes: Bibliogr. pp. 124-125 ; 26 cm ; 125 p
Thèmes: theoreme de atiyah-singer, equation de la chaleur, operateurs differentiels, varietes, index theorems, heat equation, manifolds, differential operators

57 GIL 74Disponible
57 GIL 74Disponible