
Coefficient regions for Schlicht functions [monographie]
With a chapter on the region of values of the derivative of a Schlicht functions by Arthur Grad

Auteur(s): Schaeffer, Albert Charles (1907-1957)
Grad, Arthur
Spencer, Donald Clayton (1912-2001)
Langue: anglais
Collection: Colloquium publications, n° 35
Editeur, date d'édition: American Mathematical Society, 1950
Ville(s) d'édition: New York City (US)
ISSN: 0965-9258
Classification MSC: 30.0X (2000)
Notes: xi ; plates ; appendix tab. pp. 292-303 ; bibliogr. pp. 304-305 ; index pp. 307-311 ; 26 cm (With a chapter on Arthur Grad) ; 311 p.
Thèmes: fonctions univalentes, representations des surfaces, univalent functions, representation of surfaces

45 SCHA 50Disponible
45 SCHA 50Disponible