
Commutative rings : Dimension, multiplicity and homological methods [monographie]
Titre d'origine: Pierscienie przemienne

Auteur(s): Balcerzyk, StanisłAw
Józefiak, Tadeusz
Langue: anglais
Collection: Mathematics and its applications. Numerical analysis, statistics and operational research
Editeur, date d'édition: Ellis Horwood Limited/John Wiley & Sons/PWN-Polish Scientific Publishers, 1989
Ville(s) d'édition: London (GB), Chichester (GB), Warsaw (PL)
ISBN: 0-470-21348-5 ; 0-7458-0620-1
Classification MSC: 13-01 (2000)
Notes: ix ; exercices ; notes bibliogr. ; index pp. 183-192 ; 25 cm (This book constitutes, with minor changes, a translation of the last four chapters of our book : Commutative rings (Pierscienie przemienne) published in Polish in 1985) ; 195 p.
Thèmes: anneau commutatif, homologie, dimension anneau, homology, commutative rings, multiplicite anneau

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