
Stochastic quantum mechanics and quantum spacetime [monographie]
A consistent unification of relatvity and quantum theory based on stochastic spaces

Auteur(s): Prugovecki, Eduard
Langue: anglais
Collection: Fundamental theories of physics
Editeur, date d'édition: D. Reidel Publishing Compagny, 1986
Ville(s) d'édition: Dordrecht (NL), Boston (US), Lancaster (GB)
ISBN: 90-277-1617-X
ISSN: 0168-1222
Classification MSC: 81C20 (2000)
Notes: xxi ; appendix 259-273 ; bibliogr. pp. 274-289 ; index pp. 290-302 ; 24 cm (Reprinted with corrections, 1986) ; 302 p.
Thèmes: theorie quantique des champs, processus stochastiques, quantum field theory, stochastic processes, theories relativistic statistical mechanics

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