
Pertubation methods in applied mathematics [monographie]

Auteur(s): Kevorkian, J. (1933-....)
Cole, Julian D. (1925-....) (Collab.)
Langue: anglais
Collection: Applied mathematical sciences, n° 34
Editeur, date d'édition: Springer, 1981
Ville(s) d'édition: New York (US), Berlin (DE), Heidelberg (DE)
ISBN: 0-387-90507-3 ; 3-540-90507-3
ISSN: 0066-5452
Classification MSC: 34E15
Notes: x ; notes bibliogr. ; bibliogr. pp. 546 ; index pp. 547-558 ; 24 cm (A revised and updated version of J. D. Cole's text : Perturbation methods in applied mathematics, Ginn-Blaisdell, 1968) ; 558 p.
Thèmes: equations aux derivees partielles, equations differentielles, solutions numeriques, perturbation, numerical solutions, asymptotic theory

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