
The polynomial identities and invariants of n x n matrices : expository lectures from the CBMS regional conference held at De Paul University, Chicago, July 1990 [monographie]

Auteur(s): Formanek, Edward (1942-....)
Langue: anglais
Collection: Regional conference series in mathematics, n° 78
Editeur, date d'édition: American Mathematical Society, 1991
Ville(s) d'édition: Providence, Rhode Island (US)
Congrés: The polynomial identities and invariants of n x n matrices (1990)
Chicago (US)
ISBN: 0-8218-0730-7
ISSN: 0160-7642
Classification MSC: 16R10
Notes: vi ; notes bibliogr. ; bibliogr. pp. 57 ; 25 cm ; 57 p.
Thèmes: matrices, congres, anneaux de polynomes, polynomial rings

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