1 - Lifting the Cartier transform of Ogus-Vologodsky modulo pⁿ |
3 - Albanese and Picard 1-motives |
4 - Algebraic cycles and Hodge theory |
5 - Algebraic geometry, Santa Cruz 1995 |
6 - An excursion into p-adic Hodge theory: from foundations to recent trends |
7 - Analysis of the Hodge Laplacian on the Heisenberg group |
8 - Courbes et fibrés vectoriels en théorie de Hodge p-adique |
9 - Géométrie algébrique et applications. 3 : Géométrie réelle : systèmes différentiels et théorie de Hodge |
10 - Hodge theory, complex geometry, and representation theory |