1 - Calcul des probabilités : cours et exerices corrigés |
2 - Character sums with exponential functions and their applications |
3 - Frontiers in number theory, physics and geometry. I : On random matrices, zeta functions and dynamical systems |
4 - Frontiers in number theory, physics and geometry. II : On conformal field theories, discrete groups and renormalization |
5 - Mathématiques pour les sciences de la vie, de la nature et de la santé |
6 - Principles of statistical radiophysics. Volume 3 : Correlation theory of random processes |
7 - Proceedings of the Third Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical statistics and probability. Volume II : Contributions to probability theory |
8 - Promenades aléatoires récurrentes sur les groupes discrets |
9 - Random matrices, Frobenius eignevalues and monodromy |