1 - Algebraic geometry. Part. 2, Bowdoin 1985 |
2 - Bundles of topological vector spaces and their duality |
3 - Complex analytic geometry of complex parallelizable manifolds |
4 - Courbes et fibrés vectoriels en théorie de Hodge p-adique |
5 - Déformations isomonodromiques et variétés de Frobenius |
6 - Differential geometry : proceedings of the third symposium in pure mathematics of the AMS held at the University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona February 18-19, 1960 |
7 - Eléments d'analyse. T. 3. Chapitres XVI à XVII |
8 - Espaces fibrés et structure de la mécanique classique ou quantique |
9 - Families torsion and morse functions |
10 - Fibre bundles |