1 - Notions de topologie : introduction aux espaces fonctionnels |
2 - Algèbre commutative : Cours et exercices corrigés - 2ème édition |
3 - The structure of Lie groups |
4 - Algebra. II |
5 - Algebras in analysis : proceedings of an instructional conference organized by the London Mathematical Society and the University of Birmingham |
6 - Automorphic forms and Lie superalgebras |
7 - Cohomologie des groupes topologiques et des algèbres de Lie |
9 - Continuous transformations in analysis : with an introduction to algebraic topology |
10 - Dynamical numbers : interplay between dynamical systems and number theory : a special program, May 1-July, 2009, Max Planck Institute for mathematics, Bonn, Germany interplay between dynamical systems and number theory |