3031 - Beweistheorie |
3032 - Bibliografia matematica in România : Lucrari stiintifice 1591-1950 |
3033 - Bibliography of russian mathematics books |
3034 - Bibliography of statistical literature : 1950-1958 |
3035 - Bifurcation and nonlinear eigenvalue problems. Proceedings of a Session held at the Université de Paris XIII, Villetaneuse, October 2–4, 1978 |
3036 - Bifurcation into spectral gaps |
3037 - Bifurcation of maps and applications |
3038 - Bifurcation theory and applications in scientific disciplines : Papers from a conference held Oct. 31-Nov. 4, 1977 |
3040 - Bifurcations et chaos : une introduction à la dynamique contemporaine avec des programmes en Pascal, Fortran et Mathematica |