
1 - Arithmetic geometry : Papers from the Clay Mathematics Institute Summer School held at Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen, July 17–August 11, 2006
Darmon, Henri (1965-....) (Ed.)   /   Ellwood, David (1966-....) (Ed.)   /   Hassett, Brendan (Ed.)   /   Tschinkel, Yuri (Ed.)

Cote : [30 DAR 09]


2 - Harmonic analysis, the Trace formula, and Shimura varieties
Arthur, James (1944-....) (Ed.)   /   Ellwood, David (1966-....) (Ed.)   /   Kottwitz, Robert Edward (1966-) (Ed.)

Cote : [25 ART 05]


3 - Homogeneous flows, moduli spaces and arithmetic : proceedings of the Clay Mathematics Institute Summer School held at the Centro di Ricerca Matematica Ennio De Giorgi, Pisa, June 11–July 6, 2007
Einsiedler, Manfred Leopold (1973-....)   /   Margulis, Gregori Aleksandrovich (1946-....) (Ed.)   /   Lindenstrauss, Elon (Ed.)   /   Kleinbock, Dmitry (Ed.)   /   Eskin, Alex (Ed.)   /   Ellwood, David (1966-....) (Ed.)   /   Marmi, Stefano (Ed.)   /   Yoccoz, Jean-Christophe (1957-2016) (Ed.)

Cote : [50 EIN 10]


4 - Motives, quantum field theory, and pseudodifferential operators June, 2-13, 2008 Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts
Carey, Alan (1949-....) (Ed.)   /   Ellwood, David (1966-....) (Ed.)   /   Paycha, Sylvie (1960-....) (Ed.)   /   Rosenberg, Steven (1951-....) (Ed.)

Cote : [90 CAR 10]


5 - On certain L-Functions : Papers from the conference in honor of Freydoon Shahidi held at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, July 23–27, 2007
Arthur, James (1944-....) (Ed.)   /   Gelbart, Steve (Ed.)   /   Goldberg, David (Ed.)   /   Ramakrishnan, Dinakar (Ed.)   /   Yu, Jiu-Kang (Ed.)   /   Cogdell, James Wesley (1953-....) (Ed.)

Cote : [45.8 ART 11]


6 - Quanta of maths : Non commutative geometry conference in honor of Alain Connes, March 29 to April 6, 2007, Insitut Henri Poincaré, IHES, Insitut de mathématiques de Jussieu, Paris, France
Blanchard, Étienne (1968-....) (Ed.)   /   Ellwood, David (1966-....) (Ed.)   /   Khalkhali, Masoud (1956-....) (Ed.)   /   Marcolli, Matilde (1969-....) (Ed.)   /   Moscovici, Henry (Ed.)   /   Popa, Sorin (Ed.)

Cote : [67 BLA 10]