Atelier ANR J-invariant

Laboratoire mathématiques Blaise Pascal— 4 - 8 December 2023

Organised by Éric Gaudron and Marusia Rebolledo

Scientific context

L'objectif de cet atelier est de stimuler les collaborations scientifiques autour de quelques thèmes de géométrie diophantienne. Le nombre d'exposés est volontairement restreint pour laisser du temps aux échanges mathématiques.

The objective of this workshop is to stimulate scientific collaborations around some themes of Diophantine geometry. The number of presentations is deliberately limited to allow time for mathematical discussions.

Scientific committee : Richard Griffon et Fabien Pazuki.

Invited speakers

Color code for titles: Blackboard, video projector and blackboard & video projector.


Place of the meeting

The talks will be located at the Blaise Pascal mathematical laboratory of the university Clermont Auvergne (Clermont-Ferrand). Room 218 (2nd floor).

Participants (22)

Cécile Armana, Martin Azón, Henry Bambury, Nicolas Billerey, Vincent Bosser, Francesco Campagna, Gabriel Dospinescu, Guy Fowler, Lorenzo Furio, Éric Gaudron, Desirée Gijón Gómez, Samuel Le Fourn, Richard Griffon, Nuno Hultberg, François Martin, Pietro Mercuri, Fabien Pazuki, Pierre Parent, Marusia Rebolledo, Gaël Rémond, Florian Tilliet, Emanuele Tron

Practical informations

Take care to keep all your restaurant or travel invoices, so that we can reimburse you later !

Lunch : Les Hauts de l'Artière

Restaurants for dinner : Bistro Vénitien (Pizzeria), Bougnat Burger (Local and/or organic products in a premium quality hamburger), La cassolette (simple fare, good quality-price ratio), La Gourmandine (for wine lovers), Un grain de saveur (fine cuisine at an affordable price), Lard et la Manière, La régalade, Le chardonnay (typical French bar), Le sisisi (traditional French food), L'instantané (very good, not too expensive).


This meeting was made possible thanks to the support of the ANR project J-invariant and the IRN Mathematics in Denmark and France (MaDeF).