Maitre de Conférences HDR en Mathématiques
Clermont-Ferrand, France
Enseignement : Mathématiques générales 2 : Corrigé du partiel du 07 avril 2014
Corrigé du TD4 de mai 2014
Thèmes de recherche :

Holomorphie ultramétrique et applications :
- Distribution des valeurs des fonctions méromorphes p-adiques
- Théorie de Nevanlinna p-adique.
- Etude fine des éléments analytiques et
applications à l'étude des algèbres H(D)
- Filtres circulaires, filtres monotones et T-filtres
- Fonctions analytiques dans un corps ultramétrique
- Produits méromorphes
- Ensembles d'unicité (URS et SRU) dans
- Topologie de la convergence simple sur Mult(H(D),U_D)
- Structure arborescente du Mult(H(D),U_D)
- Image des filtres circulaires par un élément
Publications : Articles dans des journaux internationaux à comité de lecture

- Boussaf K., Boutabaa A., Escassut A., Growth of p-adic functions and applications, à paraitre dans :
the Houston Journal of Mathematics.
- Boussaf K., Escassut A., Ojeda J., Complex and p-adic
meromorphic functions
f'P'(f), g'P'(g) sharing a small function, à paraitre dans : Analysis in Theory and applications .
- Boussaf K., Escassut A., Ojeda J., Complex
meromorphic functions
f'P'(f), g'P'(g) sharing a small function, Indagationes Mathematicae, 24, no. 1, p. 15-41 (2013).
- Boussaf K., Escassut A., Ojeda J., New results on applications of Nevanlinna methods to value sharing problems. p-Adic Numbers Ultrametric Anal. Appl.vol. 5, no. 4, 278 - 301 (2013).
- Boussaf K, Escassut A., Ojeda J., Survey on p-adic meromorphic functions f'P'(f), g'P'(g) sharing a small function and additional properties, Contemporary Mathematics, Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 596, p. 31-43. (2013)
- Bezivin J-P., Boussaf K. and Escassut A., Some old and new results on zeros of the derivative of a p-adic meromorphic function, Contemporary Mathematics, Amer. Math. Soc. vol 596, p. 23-30 (2013)
- Boussaf K., Escassut A., Ojeda J., P-adic
meromorphic functions
f'P'(f), g'P'(g) sharing a small function, Bull. Sci. Math. 136, n. 2, p. 172-200 (2012).
- Boussaf K., Escassut A., Ojeda J., Zeroes of the
derivative of a
meromorphic function and applications, Bulletin of
the Belgian Mathematical society, Vol.19, n. 2, p. 367-372 (2012) .
- Bezivin J-P., Boussaf K. and Escassut A., Zeros of the derivative of a p-adic meromorphic function Bull. Sci. Math. , 136, no 8, p. 839-847 (2012).
- Boussaf K., Ojeda J., Value distribution of
p-adic meromorphic
functions, Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical society, vol. 18, n. 4, p.
667-678 (2011).
- Boussaf K., Escassut A., Ojeda J., Primitives of
p-adic meromorphic
functions, Contemporary Mathematics, Amer. Math. Soc. vol. 551, p.
51-55 (2011).
- Boussaf K., Picard values of p-adic meromorphic
function, p-adic
Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis and Applications, Vol. 2, N. 4, p. 285-292
- Boussaf K., Interpolation for p-adic entire functions, Asian-Eur. J. Math. Vol. 3 no. 2, p. 251 - 262 (2010).
- Boussaf K., Identity theorem for bounded p-adic meromorphic functions, Bull. Sci. Math. 134, n.1, p. 44-53 (2010).
- Boussaf K., P-adic sets of range uniqueness, Rendiconti del Circolo
Matematico di Palermo, vol. 56 p.381-390 (2007).
- Boussaf K., Boutabaa A., Escassut A., Sets of range
uniqueness in p-adic fields, Procedings of the
Edingburgh Mathematical Society, vol. 50 p. 263-276 (2007).
- Boussaf K., Escassut A., Mainetti N., Analytic mappings in the
tree Mult(K[x]) Advences in Analysis p. 519-529, World Sci. Publ., Hackensack (2005).
- Boussaf K., Uniqueness for p-adic meromorphic products Bulletin of
the Belgian Mathematical society, 9 suppl. p. 11-23 (2002).
- Boussaf K., Escassut A., Mainetti N., Analytic mappings in the
tree Mult(K[x]) Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical society, 9
suppl. p. 25-47 (2002).
- Boussaf K., An interpretation of analytic functions, Lecture Note in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Marcel Dekker, vol. 222, p. 35-48 (2001).
- Boussaf K., Mainetti N., Hemdaoui M.,
Tree structure on the set of multiplicative semi-norms
of Krasner algebra H(D),
Revista Matematica Complutense, vol. 13, n. 1, p. 85-109 (2000).
- Boussaf K., Image of circular filters by analytic elements, International Journal of Mathematics, Game Theory and Algebra, vol. 10, n. 5, p. 365-372 (2000).
- Boussaf K., Shilov boundary of a Krasner Banach algebra H(D),
Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, n. 8, p. 75-82 (2000)
- Boussaf K., Strictly analytic functions on p-adic analytic
open sets, Publicacions Matemàtiques, vol. 43, n. 1 p. 127-162 (1999).
- Boussaf K., Hemdaoui M. Analytic spectrum of an algebra of strictly
analytic p-adic functions, Lecture Note in Pure and Applied Mathematics,
Marcel Dekker, vol. 207, p.15-27 (1999).
- Boussaf K., Strictly analytic p-adic functions,
Lecture Note in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Marcel Dekker, vol. 208, p. 49-59 (1999).
- Boussaf K., Escassut A., Closed homomorphisms of algebra of analytic
elements, Lecture Note in Pure and Applied Mathematics, Marcel Dekker, vol. 192, p. 281-295 (1997).
- Boussaf K., Escassut A., Composition of analytic elements and quasi-invertibility.
Journal of Analysis, vol. 4, 103-123 (1996).
- Boussaf K., Escassut A., Absolute values on algebras of analytic elements,
Annales Mathématiques Blaise Pascal, vol.2, n. 2, p. 15-23 (1995).
- Boussaf K., Motzkin factorization in algebras of analytic elements, Annales Mathématiques Blaise Pascal, vol. 2, n. 1, p. 73-91 (1995).
Participation à des conférences internationales :

Last Update : 2006
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